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What the experts say II. - Media and childhood obesity

In the previous article I discussed the negative influence of media resulting in diseases such as anorexia or bulimia; which mean diseases from starving. On the other hand, obesity represents also a big issue nowadays. Read this article for better understanding:

This article, written by health care specialists at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, claims “Children are increasingly becoming overweight and less physically active, to the point that childhood obesity is a global epidemic” (

The article further states, that nowadays, media replaces the role of physical activity because children spend much more time by playing video games and watching television. What is more, “the majority of commercials during programs aimed at children are for unhealthy high-fat, high-sugar or high-salt foods with little nutritional value” ( such as chips, cereals, soft drinks or fast food. In addition, the media exposure declines the children’s activity and creativity by itself and thus, children get used to entertainment with no exertion, in the comfort of their home. Unfortunately, all of that information proves, how media consumed in unhealthy amount could ruin our lives.


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